The plate:

This pasta dish, which can also be made with macaron, spaghetti or whatever type you like the most, joins two facing shores of Mediterranean cuisine. Italian pasta, made like the Italians, and the mastery of Catalan gastronomy uniting the sea and the mountains. For a long time it has been thought that the dishes are meat or fish, and with this simple pasta dish you will discover how well they season and that both children and adults can eat.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 500 grams of pasta (if it is fresh, much better).
  • 1 sausage.
  • 20 gr. of fresh sea lettuce in salt.
  • 1 garlic
  • 1 onion.
  • 3 tomatoes (or a can of natural tomato).
  • AOEV.
  • Water
  • Salt with organic sea lettuce.


  1. Cut the sausage into pieces of approximately 1 cm. thick, brown on both sides in a frying pan without oil (the fat of the sausage itself when melted will do its job) and remove.
  2. In another pan (or in the same one but removing the fat that the sausage has released) put a finger of oil, chop the garlic and add it.
  3. When it starts to dance, add the onion, also finely chopped and sauté for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the grated or crushed tomatoes, add a pinch of salt with organic sea lettuce (little because the algae will provide iodine), a pinch of sugar and let it reduce.
  5. Put a pot with water and salt, bring to a boil and add the pasta.
  6. Cook for 2 minutes less than indicated on the package.
  7. When the tomato has reduced introduce the cut algae.
  8. When the pasta is done, remove the pan from the heat, pour the pasta into the sauce and stir.
  9. Add two or three tablespoons of the broth from the pasta cooking and do not stop stirring. Gently and carefully but continuously.
  10. Once the pasta is impregnated with the sauce, serve and eat immediately.

Algas utilizadas en ésta receta

ECOALGAS | Inicio - Cultivo y recolección de algas marinas ecológicas

More recipes with organic algae



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